Wrote this review last year and left it lying around in the folders of my laptop. Now that I have a platform to post it, I shall.
Red Moon is Kalafina's latest album, out of 13 songs, 9 are new. They have written more new songs for this album compared to their Seventh Heaven album. I am only reviewing the newly written songs which I perceive to be more outstanding than the rest .
1. Red Moon
Starts off melancholicly with a soft tune, a harmonious choir of voices starts singing, quickly mixed with the uprise of musical instruments, and Wakana, as usual, assumes her leading role by starting off with her clear, angelic voice. You'd know you will be expecting nothing but pure epicness from this song! Just wait till you get to the chorus, where electric guitars enter and gives the epic factor with the girls singing. It sounds so dramatic and overwhelming, it's almost like ear rape. In a good way!
And just like that, you'll know that their famed composer, Yuki Kajiura, never fails. A very grand way to start off with their second album.
3. Te to te to me no me no (Hand and hand and Looking into Each Other's Eyes)
Yes, weird song title, I know. I fancy this song, particularly because it's my first time hearing an exotic Arabic sounding song from them. I mean, sitars, in a Kalafina song? Yuki Kajiura's venturing into a new genre maybe? I love the whole ambiance of the song, and their vocals work pretty well. This proves that they do have range. The music has an upbeat tune along with the instruments, and my favourite Kalafina member, Keiko, finally has a leading role in this. *sheds tears of elation*
7. Yami no Uta (Song of Darkness)
Ah, another exotic Arabic song. The way the song starts off, it's just makes the entire song sound like one great climax - the strings played the melody, and the drums pounding away in the background. It gave an evil aura in a good way, as the title implies. KEIKO's voice works the best again, like it did in Te to te to me no me no. The chorus is love! I don't really have to stress on how well their voices mesh together as a three-women team with a soprano, alto and bass voices belonging to each one respectively. Highly recommended!
13. I Have a Dream
No, this is not a Japanese cover version of ABBA's song with the same title. It's an entirely new song on its own. It sounds like a typical uplifting, inspirational tune with good vocal performances from all the girls. I find it very likable, especially when I'm a sucker for ballads. What a good way to end the album.
These are just the highlights of their new songs. The album also includes tracks from their previously released singles, and yeah, they're all pretty good too!
- red moon
- Hikari no Senritsu (光の旋律, Melody of Light)
- Te to Te to Me to Me (テトテトメトメ, Hand in Hand and Eye to Eye)
- fantasia
- Haru wa Kogane no Yume no Naka (春は黄金の夢の中 , Spring is in a Golden Dream)
- Kyrie
- Yami no Uta (闇の唄, Song of Darkness)
- Hoshi no Utai (星の謡 , Chant of the Stars)
- storia
- intermezzo
- progressive
- Lacrimosa
- I have a dream (Eve no Jikan Movie theme)
The rest of the songs are relatively decent, the usual Kalafina style. But they're all worth listening to, enough to keep a Kalafina fan elated!
Red Moon
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